

When using WordPress, many users rely on SEO-related plugins to enhance their search engine rankings. However, controlling the output of Json-LD in SEO plugins can sometimes be challenging. In many cases, the structured data output is either excessive or overly simplistic, leading to missing key information.
If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in search rankings, we strongly recommend using this plugin to optimize your Json-LD implementation!

  1. パンくずリストを最適化しました。(Optimized the breadcrumb navigation.)
  2. ページ説明descriptionをJson-LDで出力できるようにしました。ページ説明が入力されていない場合は、ページ内から概要を取得します。(Enabled the ability to output the page description (description) in Json-LD. If no description is provided, a summary will be automatically extracted from the page content.)
  3. 情報不足なコーポレート情報が出力されるを停止しました。なので事業情報としてfunctions.phpに以下のような記述を追記する必要があります。(将来的にダッシュボード-管理画面-内で編集できるようにしますが、コーポレート情報は、選択肢が多いので悩んでいます)(Stopped the output of incomplete corporate information. As a result, you will need to manually add the following code to functions.php for business details. (In the future, we plan to make this editable within the dashboard, but we are currently considering the best approach due to the variety of corporate information options.))
  4. 自動で出力されるshortlinkを出力されないようにしました。(Disabled the automatic output of shortlinks.)


このプラグインはHideo Kawaharaが個人的に開発していますので、問い合わせは以下のメールからお願いします。※内容によっては回答できないケースもありますので事前にご了承ください。現在、WordPress公式プラグイン申請中です。もし、お試しいただいてご意見などいただけるようでしたら以下のメールからお伝えください。

現状では、「All in One SEO Pack」のみに対応していますが、「Yoast SEO」にも対応する予定です!(Currently, this plugin supports only "All in One SEO Pack," but we plan to add support for "Yoast SEO" as well.)

コーポレート情報などのJson-LDサンプル(Json-LD Sample for Corporate Information):以下のような記述をfunctions.phpに記載する必用があります。(The following code needs to be added to functions.php.)

function add_jsonld_to_specific_page()
    if (is_page((ページID))) {
        echo '
        <script type="application/ld+json">{
            "@context": "",
            "@type": "(企業タイプ)",
            "name": "(事業・企業名)",
            "url": "(事業・企業ドメイン)",
            "logo": "(ロゴURL)",
            "contactPoint": {
                "@type": "ContactPoint",
                "telephone": "(電話)",
                "contactType": "Customer Service",
                "areaServed": "(国)",
                "availableLanguage": ["(言語)"]
            "openingHours": "(営業時間)",
            "department": [
                    "@type": "LocalBusiness",
                    "name": "本社",
                    "address": {
                        "@type": "PostalAddress",
                        "streetAddress": "(本社住所)",
                        "addressLocality": "(市)",
                        "addressRegion": "(県)",
                        "postalCode": "(郵便番号)",
                        "addressCountry": "(国)"
                    "telephone": "(電話)",
                    "openingHoursSpecification": [
                            "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
                            "dayOfWeek": ["(営業曜日)"],
                            "opens": "(始業)",
                            "closes": "(終業)"
                            "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
                            "dayOfWeek": ["(お休み曜日)"],
                            "opens": "00:00",
                            "closes": "00:00"
                    "@type": "LocalBusiness",
                    "name": "支店",
                    "address": {
                        "@type": "PostalAddress",
                        "streetAddress": "(支店住所)",
                        "addressLocality": "(市)",
                        "addressRegion": "(県)",
                        "postalCode": "(郵便番号)",
                        "addressCountry": "(国)"
                    "telephone": "(電話)",
                    "hasMap": "(マップURL)",
                    "openingHoursSpecification": [
                            "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
                            "dayOfWeek": ["(営業曜日)"],
                            "opens": "(始業)",
                            "closes": "(終業)"
                            "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
                            "dayOfWeek": ["(休業曜日)"],
                            "opens": "00:00",
                            "closes": "00:00"
            "serviceArea": [
                {"@type": "AdministrativeArea", "name": "(商圏A)"},
                {"@type": "AdministrativeArea", "name": "(商圏B)"},
                {"@type": "AdministrativeArea", "name": "(商圏C)"}
            "description": "(事業内容)",
            "identifier": "(許認可免許関係)",
            "itemListElement": [
                    "@type": "Offer",
                    "itemOffered": "(サービス内容A)",
                    "description": "(サービス内容A説明)",
                    "price": "¥(料金帯A)"
                    "@type": "Offer",
                    "itemOffered": "(サービス内容B)",
                    "description": "(サービス内容B説明)",
                    "price": "¥(料金帯B)"
                    "@type": "Offer",
                    "itemOffered": "(サービス内容C)",
                    "description": "(サービス内容C説明)",
                    "price": "¥(料金帯C)"
            "additionalProperty": [
                    "@type": "PropertyValue",
                    "name": "(提供できる価値A)",
                    "value": "(提供できる価値A説明)"
                    "@type": "PropertyValue",
                    "name": "(提供できる価値B)",
                    "value": "(提供できる価値B説明)"
                    "@type": "PropertyValue",
                    "name": "(提供できる価値C)",
                    "value": "(提供できる価値C説明)"
add_action('wp_head', 'add_jsonld_to_specific_page');